Legal information
Company’s headquarters:
Instant Care Clinic d.o.o.
Dr. Andrije Mohorovičića 18
51410 Volosko
OIB: HR 82455593187
IBAN: HR0424020061101201574 Erste&Steiermärkische Bank
Zametska 13
51000 Rijeka
Company’s headquarters:
Instant Care Clinic d.o.o.
Dr. Andrije Mohorovičića 18
51410 Volosko
OIB: HR 82455593187
IBAN: HR0424020061101201574 Erste&Steiermärkische Bank
Zametska 13
51000 Rijeka
Emergency Medical Intervention Phone (24/7)
For emergency medical interventions, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Do you have a general question? Interested in a more detailed explanation of our services?